Psychic Blog
Autumn Equinox
19 Sep 2014

The Autumn Equinox takes place at 2.29am on the 23rd September 2014 in the UK. The Autumn Equinox celebrates the end of the season of harvest and recognises the nights are drawing in. Sometimes the event known as Harvest Home or Mabon, the date changes each year depending on when the day and night are equal duration.
We celebrate with a Wiccan Poem:
Great mother of the earth
Lord of the hunt and the wild places
We give thanks tonight for the bounty before us
We give thanks for the fruits from the trees
The plants and roots from the earth
And for the animals in the field
We give thanks for the food in our bellies
For clean, pure water
And for being able to draw breath each morning
We give thanks for a sheltering roof
Four strong walls
And a warm hearth
We give thanks for the family that gave us life
For the friends who surround us with love
And for the children who bring us hope
We give thanks for those that have taught us
Those who have sacrificed life and freedom for us
And those who inspire us to better things
For all that is our life, we give thanks
And what we have received from the gods
We must return to those around us
Poem Reference: The Book of Wicca, by Lucy Summers
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