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Familiars, sometimes referred to as witch familiars, are animals and guides that aid in a person’s spiritual connection to nature, their spiritual practice, and even day-to-day life and companionship. You may be aware of familiars from popular culture such as various fantasy films and books where people with magical powers have an animal companion who is closely bonded to them. If you reflect on it, I am certain you can envision several examples of this phenomenon… even Disney Princesses always seem to have a familiar by their side!

Connections with Animals

Familiars are not simply restricted to people who practice witchcraft or other spiritual crafts though. Having a deep connection with an animal can happen to anyone and once this connection is made it can continue even after one of you has passed over into the spirit realm. A person may have more than one familiar over their lifetime, each one bringing its own knowledge and experience into that person’s life, however not every animal or pet you connect with will be your true familiar or even have the potential to be so.

There are no restrictions whatsoever as to what animal your familiar may be. Common pets are obviously the most popular choice for many people, as they are the animals with which they connect most frequently (perhaps cats or dogs should come to mind here). However, less obvious animals such as reptiles, fish, horses and birds are also among the animals well known to lend themselves to familiar status.

Meet Your Familiar

When you meet your familiar, there will be no doubt in your mind that you have made a connection and bond for life. You are probably imprinted on each other in a none literal (or sometimes literal) way, in that you act as if you were in a partnership together. Perhaps you have a pet or animal in your life who responds to you in a completely different way than they do with other people.

Another factor which may influence which animal you connect to as your familiar is your zodiac sign. Each sign has an elemental affinity, be that Water, Earth, Fire or Air. This could influence which animal you bond with, however from personal experience I would say do not to use this as a rule. Your familiar may surprise you!

Whichever animal you connect with and whenever this happens in your life, enjoy the experience of finding a bond that will last forever!

Best wishes,

Sarah, PIN: 9888