Psychic Blog

Eat, Sleep, Live Well

Eat to Sleep

July 21, 2017

At one point or another most of us will suffer periods where we cannot get to sleep, no doubt you will have tried and tested tips for such times like taking a hot bath, camomile tea, keeping a room cool, keeping a room dark, having a break from TV and electronics before bedtime etc. But […]

International Friendship Day

International Friendship Day

July 14, 2017

The Date: The 30th July will see us celebrating International Friendship Day, up until 2011 different countries celebrated on different dates, but then the United Nations declared the day to be an international event to take place each year on the 30th July. The Idea: They want to create the idea that friendship between people, […]

Crystal Ball Scrying

Crystal Ball Scrying

June 29, 2017

Crystal Ball Scrying is perhaps exactly what we picture when we think of a psychic reading. It is often a place where a beginner starts; you can pick up antique crystal balls, but it is probably best to avoid using them for scrying and keeping them for decoration, to avoid picking up any past energy. […]


Flower Meanings

June 23, 2017

Summer is a fantastic time to get out into the garden, flowers have hidden special meanings, and in times gone by bouquets could be used to convey a certain message particularly amongst loved ones. Once you know the meanings, whether you are planning on planting a flower bed, or picking out a bunch of flowers, […]

The Psychic Gift Summer Sale

The Psychic Gift – Summer Offer

May 19, 2017

Celebrate summertime with us! From now until the end of June 17 we are offering all of our clients a special credit card rate. During the offer period you will pay £27.95 for a 20 minute credit card reading, which is a saving of £5 on every call, and you can really benefit as the […]

May Day Maypole

May: Superstitions

May 2, 2017

Beltane Saxons and Celts celebrated Beltane on the 1st May, it was a ‘fire’ festival, Bel standing for the God of Sun, the day was all about welcoming the return of the sun after winter; fire and torches were often part of the festivities. May Day May Day was originally a European festival, and focused […]


Summerland – Part 2

April 13, 2017

If you missed the first part of this post, where one of our readers imagines heaven then click here first. All seen in a brief moment – a second in time, a heartbeat, a breath… I hear their song still now in my mind, as I recall that moment, and the feeling of absolute belief […]


Summerland Part 1

April 7, 2017

One of our readers imagines Heaven: Summerland, Heaven, Paradise, call it what you like, if you believe in it, it’s all good. No worries, no stress or fears, in essence a place for children and gentler elders, angels and spirits of purity and love. There are visions of paradise on this earthly plane all around […]


Break out of Autopilot

March 29, 2017

Most of us will have described a scenario where we considered ourselves to be on ‘autopilot’, for example we may have arrived at work, whether by car or bus, but had no real sense of the journey! Oftentimes that sensation is created out of habit, when we have done something over and over, that we […]

Karmic Will

Interpreting ‘Will’

March 2, 2017

We talk about will in the context of having ‘our own free will’, an ability to choose and decide what we should say and do in any given situation. But what you may not realise is that there are four recognised types of will, and that your unique personality plays a part in which type […]