Psychic Blog

couple social media

Social Media – Connecting Us Or Pulling Us Apart?

September 18, 2015

The whole concept of social networks is based on connecting people together, and in a modern day world where family and friends are spread across the country and even the globe it sounds like a fantastic idea. When Slater & Gordon (a firm of lawyers), conducted a survey amongst 2000 people this year, their research […]

finger drawings

What can your ring finger say about you…

September 4, 2015

Is your ring finger longer than your index finger? Well then you are likely to be charismatic, with a real ability to talk the talk and walk the walk – no situation is too difficult to get out of for you! You are passionate and it shows, but be careful it doesn’t come across too […]

A carved tree

Tree Man

August 14, 2015

Retired psychic reader Rachel, has been kind enough to share her poem with us: I sense your sadness Needs a little magic today Take a walk with me Let me show you the way To a forest of Tree Men With kind knowing eyes You will feel so safe As you listen to their wise […]

zodiac clock


August 7, 2015

If I say astrology to you, you probably immediately think of horoscopes, but in reality the art of divining your future by astrological means goes much further than that. Astrology is made up of two Greek words – astron meaning star and logia meaning study of. Astrology studies the relationship between the planets, the stars […]



July 17, 2015

Wearing an amethyst stone will sharpen your mind; it acts as a cleansing crystal to promote harmony and balance in the individual’s life. The stone is great when a person needs to steady their emotions so that their life goals can be met. If you want to enhance your psychic abilities then amethyst would be […]

Angelina Jolie

Angelina Jolie – Gemini

June 26, 2015

Angelina Jolie in life and in the parts she plays has many faces, which runs to the root of her being a Gemini, she has been known as a hell-raiser, wild child, drug taker, marriage breaker, wife, mother, charity worker and more. Her whole look is juxtaposed with her life – what you see (dark […]


Fair Trade

May 22, 2015

I think it is fair to say that there is growing consumer demand for more ethically sourced / manufactured products; in food, clothes and even things like wood products. The fact that big players such as Nestle and Cadbury are producing favourite confectionary items such as Dairy Milk and Kit Kat with certification like Fair […]

Insomnia, clock watching

Is your job keeping you awake at night?

May 15, 2015

3 out of 10 people living in Britain suffer with sleep problems. Insomnia is defined as: Lying awake for a long time or waking several times a night. Waking and not being able to get back to sleep. Feeling tired, irritable, unrefreshed and unable to concentrate during the day. Sleep difficulties normally happen at least […]

Celestite Crystal


April 17, 2015

Celestite or Celestine as it is sometimes known is a soft blue mineral with an ethereal quality – it is a great stone for meditation, quiet contemplation and it has a calming and uplifting effect. One thing that you would not expect from this stone is its use in fireworks and flares, in total contrast […]


Zodiac Inspired Fashion

April 10, 2015

At London Fashion Week designer Matthew Williamson unveiled an Autumn/Winter 15 collection inspired by the twelve signs of the zodiac. Matthew allowed the mystical properties and the symbolism of the astrological system of star signs to influence the design process for his latest body of work. Astronomy has influenced everything from the print, colours, embroidery […]