Psychic Blog

Flowers to Grow and Eat

March 3, 2021

Edible flowers have been growing in popularity. They are great as a way to make a meal or cake look even more beautiful and taste delicious. Supermarkets have been quick to notice the trend. They and now selling flowers ready prepared for you to add to your baking and cooking. But, if you fancy growing […]


What would your Valentine Mixed Tape Be?

February 2, 2021

Music is a very powerful thing, I think most of us at some point will have been caught off guard by memories of a time, place or person that come flooding back as a result of hearing a specific song or piece of music… Music is incredibly personal, and autobiographical to some extent, we are […]


Eating for a Healthy Weight, Immunity and Wellbeing

January 26, 2021

2020 was a tough year, and many indulged in comfort foods and drink as a way of getting through, and our weight increased! The other side to this, is that health-professionals have been warning of the danger in not staying healthy and carrying excess weight as risk factors to falling more poorly with coronavirus. Diet, […]

Water Scrying

Water Scrying

November 5, 2020

Scrying interprets magical images, using a reflective source whether that is a mirror, crystal ball, or water. Really anything that has some natural movement, such as fire or clouds can be used for scrying. Hydromancy Hydromancy is the proper name given for scrying in water. This method of divination would have taken place by a […]


Sugars: Let’s Talk About Sugar!

October 16, 2020

Plenty of food groups have been demonised over time, and sugar seems to be in the spotlight once more. With the government bringing in ‘sugar taxes’, and targeting food & drink industries to reduce sugars in their products. As is often the case with such dietary advice, the messages can get confused. So, we take […]

Guardian Angel

Guardian Angel

September 30, 2020

From a young age we are introduced to the concept of having a guardian angel, another-earthly being that will offer us both protection and guidance in times of trouble. Angel Hierarchy As humans, we hold them with high-esteem, in their protective role of us and our loved ones. Which is quite ironic, as in terms […]

Flu Jab

Flu Jab

September 18, 2020

Covid-19 and the flu pandemic has been dominating our lives since March of this year. As I write this article there is no vaccine ready that can be administered to protect against this particular type of strain. However, the government is embarking on what would be the biggest immunisation programme in British history, by offering […]

Dream Horse

Dream Horse

September 2, 2020

The Story The film is an adaptation of a true story. In fact, the real-life tale was first featured at the Sundance Film Festival in 2015, as a documentary called Dark Horse. The story is about one women’s mission to breed and race a horse to championship standard. At first-glance this might not seem that […]


Diet: Weighty Matters!

August 12, 2020

Concerning our diet, many of us have turned to food by way of comfort during recent months. But now thoughts are turning, perhaps to a pre-planned holiday, returning to work and meeting up once more with friends and family. If casting off your elastic waisted trousers (that you have cunningly convinced yourself is athleisure wear), […]


Angel & Guides

July 13, 2020

An Angel…A Guide – Do you believe in them? Have you ever been in a situation where someone has appeared out of the blue and spoken words of wisdom, right when you needed them too? Guides Signs from your angels and guides can come in many forms – a small white feather, a robin, rainbows, […]