Psychic Blog
16 Mar 2018

The internet and social media in particular are awash with positive affirmations, famous quotes and inspiring sayings, and it is easy to glide over them as just another person or celebrity spouting a glib comment on their feed… But actually, having a positive mantra or affirmation that you repeat to yourself throughout the day has been proven to build confidence, improve self-esteem and let a person appreciate their worth. So, reinforcing this with positive statements on the web as part of every-day browsing is not necessarily a bad thing.
At the route of many types of sayings, is the need to love yourself first, this statement alone will have many people groaning, but it is very difficult in life to accept that good things will come your way and that you deserve to have everything in life that you want if you do not recognise your own self-worth.
There is no more amazing feeling, than when you have had an unbelievable day, it is not necessarily that anything particularly special happened, but just that everything fell in to place. Perhaps you got out of bed feeling refreshed, your drive to work was smooth sailing, you achieved a lot on your to do list, had a great lunch, met some friends for coffee and watched some great TV. But underneath it all, is the feeling that you had a plan, and it worked.
But it is so easy for a day to slide the other way, where nothing seems to be working, and it seems as if the only plan at play is one doomed to make things worse! This is when it is ever so easy for self-doubt and self-criticism to come into play, and when your positive affirmations can be even more important. Used properly they will allow you to re-frame the situation at hand. Visual clues such as seeing a relevant affirmation on-line may remind you to regularly practise your inspiring saying and get back on with the day. Sending out positivity will be rewarded with positive energy coming back to you.
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