Psychic Blog
Spring Offer + A Happier Way to Declutter
2 Apr 2019

Spring Offer
Don’t forget that our Special Spring Offer is up and running.
During April 2019 a 20-minute credit card reading will cost just £27.95
Saving you £5.00 on every call!
To use the offer, call Freephone: 0808 156 4933 & Quote ‘SPRING’
You can use the discount code as many times as you like during the offer period.
The offer is available 9am – Midnight until 30th April 2019. £27.95 for the first 20 minutes, £1.50 per minute thereafter. At all other times the cost will revert to normal: £32.95 for the first 20 minutes, £1.50 per minute thereafter. All calls are recorded. Readings are for entertainment only. 18+ or over. Customer Care: 0808 156 0022.
A Happier Way to Declutter
It is noteworthy that John Lewis saw a 500% increase in the sale of some items related to tidying a home and to the declutter process following the Marie Kondo Netflix show airing in January.
For those of you that don’t know who Marie Kondo is, she wrote several books on her method of tidying and how to declutter a space, called the KonMari Method. Part of the method that have been most successful is a special way that she folds and puts away clothes, and another aspect is asking the simple question does an item ‘Spark Joy’ when deciding whether to keep it, or throw it away…
Spark Joy
It seems that many of us though have struggled with the ‘Spark Joy’ concept – I don’t particularly feel that my kitchen scissors, wooden spoons or spatula spark joy exactly, but never the less they are an essential part of my kitchen kit – so I need to keep them.
To many British people – their home is their castle, and as such we do like to follow principles that will assist us in keeping them clean, tidy and clutter free and methods for getting rid of stuff in an ever increasing consumerist world can be very helpful.
Therefore, why not try these slightly easier steps?
Useful/Practical Items
You may find it easier to ask yourself whether you have used something in the last twelve months. Does the item hold a purpose, does it help you to complete a task?
So, you would keep a sewing kit – as you need it from time to time to repair a zipper or button that has fallen off. Even though you only need it infrequently.
But it is okay to let go of the kitchen spiralizer. Whilst it does do a job, you haven’t used it in the last twelve months, and find it easier to buy ready spiralised courgettes from the supermarket – let it go!
Try sorting clothes in the here and now… Don’t keep an outfit – because it would make the perfect wedding guest ensemble for an event that you haven’t been invited too. Would be perfect to hand down to grandchildren you haven’t yet got or even worse would be perfect when you are back down to a size 8!
You may have many things lurking in your home that you now never turn too – dictionary anyone? Cheque books… Equally you probably have very old technology still hanging around (an old Nokia mobile), do you have a box of plugs and cables with no idea what they attach to…
Don’t overdo it
Sometimes we can overdo things and declutter too far, it is okay to keep items that are sentimental to you, photos and photo albums, a wedding dress, baby’s first items, and then there are somethings that need to be kept like P.60’s, pension documents and tax returns.
Don’t go mad as a result of a desire to declutter and get rid of things that you will later regret.
Other Helpful tips
If there are other people in your house – partner, children etc – make them responsible for their own space, let them make decisions about how and what to declutter.
Declutter with a friend or family member – it can provide accountability, and they can be less emotional and provide perspective when needed.
Put sentimental items out on show, make them part of your everyday life – so they are truly worth keeping.
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