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Zodiac Signs: Travelling Traits


Just for fun, we explore some of the traits associated with the zodiac signs when they travel. Do you recognise yourself in these descriptions – or do you buck the trend?


  • Aries takes time to make an itinerary, but then doesn’t remotely follow it. They leave packing to the last minute, so bags are usually bursting at the seams and they may not have what is needed. They will choose a central location and on arrival will immediately go exploring.


  • Taureans like to look ‘fancy’ when travelling, and you can bet they are stocking up with duty-free. Making packing decisions is just too hard, they are paying for luggage – and taking everything, they own! Luxury is the word – think paid-for sun loungers, spa trips, glamping/not camping – and great food.


  • Gemini are packing light, carry-on only. They are making friends everywhere they go, especially locals at their destination. Their favourite thing is trying to be mistaken for being native. If this zodiac sign is abroad, they can’t wait to practise their new-found language skills.


  • Cancerians are practical and are packing in case of delays, their childhood teddy may well make it into the luggage! Travel can be stressful, so don’t be surprised if they shed a tear, in between the millionth request for a group photo. They are keeping everyone at home updated.


  • Leos do not understand packing light! Phones are for selfies – right? They have no intention of taking a social-media break whilst away. It is luxury all the way. Shopping is on their agenda. They are not going to partake in any activities that will mess with their appearance.


  • Virgos are organised, they’ve rolled/folded everything meticulously in their luggage. They are great in a group, they will check everyone has remembered the important bits – passport, phone charger etc. They will write postcards for a bit of nostalgia and they love to tick off their list as they go.


  • Librans are all about the food and souvenirs – so they will leave room in their bags. Their luggage is probably pretty, but impractical. They love ancient cities, local culture, views, dancing and sunsets.


  • Scorpios probably packed in monochrome to make things easy. They are all about staying up late, partying and enjoying the nightlife – they want the inside track of where the locals go. Don’t be surprised if some sort of drink-related souvenir makes its way home with them. Daytime is for napping!


  • Sagittarians are charming to locals, even if they don’t speak the language. They try their best with packing but then go with the attitude they can always buy something if needed. They will have studied the fine print on all travel documentation. On return this zodiac sign immediately starts planning their next holiday.


  • Capricorns plan, then follow their itinerary to the letter. Their luggage is indestructible, and they come prepared for all eventualities. They can be grumpy travellers, and jet-lag adds to that. They will want to visit EVERY museum. They are happy to get home, and to bring only memories back.


  • Aquarians are light packers – often just a back-pack will do. If travelling in a group, don’t be surprised when they wonder off unannounced. Their dream holiday is somewhere that can expand their world-view, and they like the untrodden-path.


  • Pisces are calm travellers, albeit they tend to run late which can stress others in their party. They are another star sign that likes to travel with a soft toy, and they are bringing home something local – a piece of art or seashells from the beach. They will want to capture every moment in pictures and in a journal.